The Shorts Situation: Choose Wisely for Summer 2023

August 8th, 2023 by

The Shorts Situation: Choose Wisely for Summer 2023

It’s pretty obvious that swim shorts represent a staple in a man’s summer wardrobe. Every self-respecting man should have a few solid pairs of swim shorts that he can flaunt at the beach or by the poolside. What’s not as obvious is how to choose the right shorts for the warm season. With so many options out there and only three months of summer to show off your best outfits, the pressure of finding the right swim shorts is real. So, if you don’t know where to start your searches or what to look for, here’s a short guide that can help clear the waters. 

Key aspects to consider while shopping 

Although shopping for swimwear isn’t as difficult as shopping for a suit, this doesn’t mean you should just grab the first pair of shorts that you come across and hope you got it right. There are several factors you need to take into consideration when making your choice, so let’s see what matters most. 

Since swim shorts serve a practical purpose first and foremost, comfort should be top of mind. Therefore, you need to consider what types of activities you’ll be performing while wearing the shorts and choose a pair that will support your endeavours. If you’re planning to wear them at a pool party, all you need to do is find the right fit, so a classic pair of swim trunks will do the trick However, if water sports are your thing, you’ll have to look for garments that provide enough leg movement but won’t fall off while you’re having fun. A closer fit and more coverage are recommended in this case. 

Quality is another important factor to keep in mind. You don’t want to spend a fortune on swimwear, but buying the cheapest pair you can find is not a great idea either. Fortunately, these days you can find designer swim shorts that provide great quality at very reasonable prices. Apart from enhancing your look, quality shorts will also stand the test of time, so you’ll be able to wear them for many summers to come. 

When it comes to style, there is surely no shortage of options to choose from. The best way to narrow down your options is to think about your personal taste and the visual impression you want to create. If you’re the kind of guy that likes to party and have fun in the sun, patterns and bold colours are perfect for you. If you’re more conservative and don’t want to draw attention to yourself, classic styles like trunks or square-cuts and solid hues will suit you best

Last but not least, you also have to include your body type in the equation. If you’re not in top physical shape, stay away from tight swimwear and opt for looser fits and shorter cuts instead. Men who spend more time at the gym and look toned can afford to wear any type of shorts they want, but form-fitting styles like briefs or wetsuits would definitely look more flattering. 

The best styles for summer 2023 

Now that you know what aspects you need to consider when choosing your swim shorts, let’s take a quick look at the biggest swimwear trends for summer 2023. 

According to style experts, metallic hues that shine in the sun are in this year. Obviously, if you’re going to wear a high-shine material, you won’t need to add too many accessories to stand out, so a simple white shirt and black shades should be enough to complete the look. 

It also seems that shorts are getting shorter this summer, so we’re going to see a lot of retro and running-style shorts on the beach in the following months. Pair them up with a classic white T-shirt or a simple tank top and you’re good to go. 

Whatever style you choose to wear this summer, perfectly-tailored swim shorts are going to be the biggest trend of the year. As expected, designer pieces will dominate the fashion scene, but you can find budget-friendly options that look just as great.