Starting Over After a Difficult Divorce: A Guide

June 29th, 2021 by

Starting Over After a Difficult Divorce: A Guide

The moment that you hear the word “divorce” being thrown into the atmosphere by your spouse, your grasp on common sense can go right out the window. A tidal wave of soul-splitting emotions can wash over you in an instant, and you might find yourself at a complete loss over what to do next. Or, you might even be possessed by the destructive urge to make the ensuing divorce process with your partner as complicated as possible. Definitely don’t do that if you don’t have a divorce attorney. Without a divorce lawyer, things can unravel very quickly. Family law is a tricky business, and legal separation can be an emotionally-fueled event, which easily gives way to overreactive behavior.

The hope is that once you muddle through this difficult time of the legal processes and the negotiation over visitation rights if you have children, you’re ultimately able to put yourself back together and begin an exciting new chapter in your life.

What may feel like a bad heartbreak can actually give way to new and fulfilling experiences that you otherwise would have never envisioned for yourself. With all of that being said, it’s a bit daunting to figure out exactly where to start after you’ve gotten over a divorce case. Fortunately, we’ve rounded up what we’re confident is an absolutely stellar collection of tips for you to make the most out of your life following a divorce.

  1. If there are kids involved, work out the child custody.

Unfortunately, some of the people that are hit hardest during the divorce process are your kids. This rings especially true if your kids are on the younger side. You need to make sure that during the actual divorce proceedings, you don’t naively give up child custody before seeking out legal advice.

If you’re in the early stages of the divorce process, you should absolutely look into hiring a divorce lawyer for counsel. Let’s say you’re in the San Diego area. A quick online search for a San Diego divorce attorney can provide you with a list of resources to support you during this process.

With a reputable divorce attorney like Steven M. Bishop in your corner, you’ll be able to rest assured that whatever kind of child support, spousal support, or child custody scenario you end up working out is as fair as possible for all parties involved. The attorney-client relationship is a very important one. With a divorce attorney like Steven M. Bishop who works out of San Diego, you’ll know that you’re being well taken care of. That courtroom can be a scary place to navigate alone. Especially if you’re trying to work out a family law issue. So, don’t put yourself and the rest of the family through it. You’ll want a favorable outcome.

Your kids deserve nothing less. A family law attorney is ultimately there a professional mediator of sorts to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard, while the law itself is being upheld. These are important elements to factor in when the stakes are high, and emotions are through the roof.

  1. Take a trip somewhere quiet to recharge.

Traveling is one of those gifts in life that can end up taking a bit of a hit when you settle down with a family. Oftentimes, it’s not in the best interest of your bank account to take long trips to faraway destinations but after the difficulty of going through the divorce process, it’s worth considering. A trip can give you much-needed downtime following a rough period in your life.

Perhaps a vacation rental with scenic mountain views is just what you need to rejuvenate and recharge. Get lost in nature, fall in love with a serene creek, and get away for a mental reset. You could even scope out log cabins for sale in NC if you really end up enjoying your new refuge. If you’re able to find the right log cabin with the magazine-worthy mountain views, you might find yourself hard-pressed to return whenever you need some calming zen energy.

  1. Work on yourself with meditation.

Meditation is a powerful tool to discover more about yourself and introduce more balance into your life. Through regular meditation practice, you’ll be able to unearth all kinds of memories and repressed emotions that would otherwise be swimming secretly in your subconscious.

The thing about not having awareness of those memories and emotions in the first place is that they can then end up influencing your mood throughout the day, without you having any idea that they’re doing so in the first place.

Thus, setting aside 5-10 minutes a day to follow your breath is a great way to work through the disorienting time that can come after a divorce. You’ll also reap benefits like lower blood pressure, improved memory, and sharper focus. Your work life might stand to benefit from all of that as well. Plus, meditation will deepen your sense of compassion for your ex after the divorce. Compassion is a powerful energy field when it comes to getting over a dark time in your life, and ultimately forgiving someone.

With that, we’ve covered a few crucial things for you to consider when you go about starting over following a divorce. Just remember that all of the emotional pain and suffering will eventually give way to a heightened appreciation for all that your new life has to offer. Before you know it, you could find yourself in a beautiful log cabin taking in beautiful views and a newfound appreciation for meditation.