Compress Your PDF Files with GogoPDF for Safety and Security

August 12th, 2024 by

Compress Your PDF Files with GogoPDF for Safety and Security

Sharing files comes very easy and convenient today. It is much easier to do with just a few clicks, and you will quickly have it sent within a minute. Thus, all seem to have no problem, not until the PDF file size comes way bigger than you could send it even on your mobile.

Well, worry no more because there is a tool available for everyone to use and help save the day. GogoPDF aims to help individuals who have trouble reducing the PDF file size smaller compromising nothing on it, not just convert.

It is a significant feature that Gogo PDF protects your file against unwanted hackers who target to open your file without consent. Much safer and convenient, you can easily share files in just a couple of seconds without worrying about its security.

How to Use GogoPDF to Compress PDF

Compressing PDF is now easy to do. With just four simple steps, you could compress PDF and reduce it to the best possible size. To give you an idea, here are the four simple steps you need to follow to achieve the proper result you wish to achieve. 

1. Select

The first thing you need to consider is to select the file you wish to convert. Afterward, you can drag it to the conversion box to start the process. 

2. Processing 

After you place the file you wish to convert in the conversion box, the file will start processing the file. Seems very easy right?

3. Wait to finish the compression

This might take a few minutes depending on the size of the file you wish to convert. Thus, it will still come fast compared to other platforms that offer the same capability. 

4. Download

After completing the conversion and compression you can now download the file and save it on your devices. You can even share it with your accounts with no hassle. As you download the file into the smallest possible size, it is much easier to be shared now to any devices available.

 Pretty simple, right? Well, your problem in PDF compression will not be a hassle anymore as GOGO PDF is already here to save your day. Keep your PDF file to the smallest possible size with this platform and be amazed at how it will keep your file safe and secure when sharing.

 GogoPDF Key Features

Every platform offers something that hooks its target users. Well, GogoPDF has a lot to offer. Solving your problem with PDF comes much easier now as this platform makes impossible things possible. Aside from the fact that this platform gives you access for free, there’s a lot more that it could offer to help you more with your PDF File concerns. To give you an outlook, here are the key features of the GogoPDF. 

1. Compatibility of the Platforms’ Browser

GogoPDF supports the most common and even major systems, operating to help us create a document. Some of these systems include Mac, Windows, and Linux. This platform is perfectly compatible with different browsers which are truly superb. You can have access to the site by browsing most commonly on Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and other famous browsers available. 

2. Resizing comes Easy and Fast

It won’t take you long to compress a file size anymore as GOGO PFD could finish it in just a few minutes. The platform could convert your file into the smallest possible size which could reach down to 144 dpi. As this comes smaller, it will also be much easier for you to download the file on the web or even by email. Well, because of this you can now email, share and even publish your PDF file Easy and Fast. 

3. File Protection and User Privacy

As hacking and identity theft come rampant today, we couldn’t but doubt the platforms we used to share important and disclosed files. We overthink that this could be hacked or spread without your consent. 

Well, your worry will turn into ease as this platform makes sure that your file is safe and will be sent easily and secured. Also, it is a prominent feature that GogoPDF deletes the file after an hour. 

4. Quality of the File

You might think that 144 dpi might make the resolution of your file poor. Well, it is not a problem as GogoPDF gives your file maximum file resolution even after reducing its file size.

 It keeps the layout and the format of the original file safe. So you don’t worry as your file will still be how it was before conversion. The quality remains superb even after compression.  

5. Cloud Storing

You can freely use the tool anytime and on any device. The tool is generated on a cloud, so you can perfectly save all the things you have done online on Cloud. Well, to give you access to all the sites, you need to have a stable internet connection. 

Also, it is a significant feature that this platform doesn’t require any installation and registration. This means that you can have access to the software easily and conveniently. Save space and convert your PDF files now! 


Protecting your PDF File is challenging to do. You keep on worrying most especially if your file comes with confidentiality which must not be disclosed to anything and anyone. Thus, this problem already has its solution in an instant. You can easily protect your file and share it with no problem and with security with the Help of GOGO PDF. 

Wrapping things up, this will be the best tool you’ll ever have. As it offers more capability than other platforms that offer the same capability, safety and security of the file are what it is proud of. With this platform, you can compress, convert, split, merge, as well as convert from and to PDF files and view or edit files easily and safely.

Why not try using the file and have it as your PDF partner all the way.